
Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Host, Admission & Yoda

It was a Red Box movie Saturday complete with a new crochet project: YODA.
Yes, yoda took a full 2 movies plus some.  Little yoda took 4 hours!  I rented a couple movies from the Red Box to pass the time.
I actually wanted to see this movie a long time ago so I was happy to see it as an option at the Red Box.  I had a couple of friends who read the book by Stephenie Meyer and were not fans, we'll say...  And the movie was a little weird.  You see how the "host" or alien is at odds with the human Melanie.  It's a little bizarre, but I appreciate a good ending.
Admission was a super cute, funny little film.  It tried to be more than just a comedy, which was nice.  Overall, it was a good storyline and not nearly as strange as The Host.  For some reason, I still found The Host more interesting.  But my guess is that Admission would appeal more to most!

Happy weekend Honeybees!  I hope it's treating you well. :)


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